Archive for the Uncategorized Category

>for Nadine

Posted in Uncategorized on May 25, 2010 by daanverhoeven


handle Good Am I by Tom Jones by seaninsound


Posted in Uncategorized on January 18, 2010 by daanverhoeven

>with much force

>Diablo Rojo

Posted in Uncategorized on January 1, 2010 by daanverhoeven

>The Humboldt Squid, or Red Devil, is notoriously hard to photograph underwater-and notorious in general, for they can be aggressive during feeding, so much so that they sometimes eat each other.

(image found here: )

but i found an easier way: just hold your hand over a flashlight.

>Job and the Hypothesis of the expanding heart

Posted in Uncategorized on February 14, 2009 by daanverhoeven

>Yesterday, my sister had her third child, Jacobus Lambertus Wouter, we call him Job. He’s another perfect baby, 7 pounds, 10 long vingers, lots of dark hair. As i was melting watching him, a hypothesis that had been floating around in me came back to the surface: i think when we see babies, we melt to facilitate the place they will take into our hearts. It is without any effort that we welcome them in our heart and that we love them without loving anyone around us any less. I find it remarkable how stretchy our hearts are and i think the melting helps – like a warm-up. I think we see the innocent and helpless perfection of a baby, and especially when it’s family, we are in turn helpless to melt and allow the baby room in our hearts.

When my sister’s first, Boet, was born, i was amazed at how quickly he became part of the family. He’s not yet 5 and i can’t imagine a life without him. His sister Wybine is not yet 3 and irrevocably part of who we are as a family, pretty much since day one. For my sister, they must have been part of the family even longer. The strange thing is, it feels like they always been there, their place with us is that familiar. Our hearts have grown to make room for them and there seems to be no end to how far it can expand further.

So i’ve melted for this beautiful boy. I’ve watched him sleep and simply by continuing to breathe he made me incredibly happy. Every move he makes and hiccup he has are works of art. Before i’ve again coagulated partially he’ll be family and it will be unimaginable that he was not here a while back. I have no clue who he is, all i know is that he’s part of part of us, and part of me.

Welcome to the world, Job; may your heart melt many times.


Posted in Uncategorized on December 24, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>Okay, if i do get a dog, it might also be a flatcoated retriever

(source: )


Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>This logo is on the glass of bus stops in my area. I think it’s a logo, but nevertheless, i like it

>Eyes of light

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>On saturday i saw these lights shining through branches, and noticed how that created a circular effect. It almost looked like the eyes of a mechanical beast with natural skin. A bit like the terminator.

>last light, shortest day

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>Yesterday was the shortest day of the year, and all day it looked like the sun was not going to show itself at all, but it did gave the sky a farewell kiss


Posted in Uncategorized on December 19, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>One of the skills i’d like to learn in the next few years is how to bodysurf underwater. I’m far too uncoordinated to manage on a board above water, but i might manage below the surface

(source: )


Posted in Uncategorized on December 18, 2008 by daanverhoeven

>One of the most intact and impressive beeches i know stands in Vught, a little village near my hometown. I was there yesterday, and though i most enjoy it when it’s in full leave and the branches are so full they almost reach the ground, in the stark contrast of winter it is mighty still

It has a knot with so many rings on it that you can see that the knot itself is older than most of us